As Germania Singing and Sport Society, we have activities for everyone. Whether you're a foodie, a musician, a beer conoisseur, or an indoor sports enthusiast, read on to find out more about the things our members do. Contact us for more information, or just show up!
Beer has been at the center of German culture for centuries, and at the Germania we have a special group that combines the history, culture with current craft brewery offerings. We meet socially to sample, taste and share all things beer. The group has responsibilities for beer selection, merchandising and operations too.
The bier kameraden hosts the ever popular wing nights, we have had blind beer tasting competitions, and have had multiple local guest brewers.
Come to one of our “meetings” where you can get to know other members, learn something, experience gemutlichkeit while enjoying a beer! Get involved as we start planning our next adventure, a day bus trip to…..?

Fußball (Soccer)
The Germania has a long history when it comes to soccer. In 1926, the Germania Soccer Team and the Columbus Kickers Soccer Team joined together to become the Germania/Kickers Soccer Team; and for over 50 years won many tournaments in Central Ohio.
With soccer becoming a very popular sport in the United States, soccer has once again become very important for the club.

Schützenverein (Indoor Air Gun Shooting)
Our Schützenverein, or shooting club, is part of a time-honored German sport. We practice on Thursday nights in the Sporthalle at Germania, and travel to matches at other German clubs throughout the Midwest. We take our sport seriously, but we have a lot of fun doing it.
Members include gunsmiths, collectors, competitors, hunters, and people that just want to increase their patience, timing, and focus.
Our 10-meter range has an automated scoring system and 8 shooting lanes for .177-caliber air rifle and pistol. You can bring your own .177-caliber. ten-meter equipment or try out the club's quality equipment. Beginners are welcome; our seasoned range officers will teach you safety and technique.
Contact for more information.

Dartliga (Dart League)
We have a steel tip dart league with several multi weeks seasons a year. The league format is team matches in Cricket and 501 as well as individual matches in Cricket. Each week team pairings are different to enhance the social aspect of the league, which also allows for a player to miss a week. There are prizes and award for the season champion, highest winning percentage and most "Tons" as well as an end of season tournament. There are exciting weekly games of chance and skill for prizes as well. The league is open to all skill levels and we even provide lessons. This is a great way to get to meet more of the people that make Germania great.
The bicycle club is open to anyone who enjoys cycling. Whether you’d like to ride a mile or 30 miles. Each ride is designed with flexibility for all cyclists. We typically meet once a month from May through September. Each ride will end with a gathering for a bite to eat. Sometimes we have a potluck or meet at the club for brats and beer, or it could be ice cream.

Fechtverein (Fencing Club)
This new activity at the Germania continues to expand our traditional German sport offerings for our members. This intense activity with attacks, lunges and feints will surely keep you on your toes. Then you can relax with a bier.

fencing vid.mp4
The Germania has been singing for over 100 years, continuing in the strong German tradition of song. The choirs of the Germania consist of the Männerchor (Men’s Chorus), the Damenchor (Women’s Chorus) and the combined group, known as the Gemischter Chor.
The choirs typically rehearse on Thursday evening beginning at 7:30 p.m. The majority of our music consists of German Folk Music, however, we do sing the classics from Bach, Beethoveen and Brahms; of course Schubert and others. We sing contemporary music from Germany and Gospel too!
We are always looking for new singers to join us. You don’t have to speak German to sing with us either, most of our singers don’t. So come down on Thursday’s and join in the fun. There is always bier available in the bar too.
Our own “Hauskapelle” or house band provides music at many of our events – public or private. This band is made up of many brass and woodwind instruments. They play great German music that you would hear at the Oktoberfest in Germany (or at Germania’s Oktoberfest). If you have any interest in playing in our band, please contact us at

Volkstänzer (Folk Dancing)
The folk dance group meets to teach folk dances from the different areas of Germany, whether it is a Polka, Waltz, Zwiefacher, Ländler or perhaps a Schuhplatter. It’s all fun and great exercise. We teach others how to dance and the group is invited to dance at many festivals throughout the year at many central Ohio venues.

The Germania offers German Language classes on occasion to help those who want to brush up on their German. Or for those who would like to learn some basic German, especially if they might be going to Germany for a fabulous trip.

Kochunterricht (Cooking Classes)
Do you love eating German food and wish you could cook it at home? Then this class is for you! German food is not just Bratwurst! We offer German regional cooking classes so that you can learn to enjoy cooking German food at home. Learn to cook Bavarian or Sachsen or Hessen Food just to name a few.